
I was inspired by my good friend Steve Moraco and his concept of writing down your life goals yearly in 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50 year and lifetime segments mora.co . Also I have personal interest of making my life in the simulation world a tad bit more awesome and as impactful as possible, so without further ado, here are my current and future life goals depending on when you’re reading this.

a year of beginnings :: 2019

One “human” lifetime from now - 2119

  1. To spend 90% of my cycles helping humans keep progressing forwards into the great future.

In 50 years (2089)

  1. To have people know me as one of those few people crazy enough to change the way we live, work, and love in a mostly altruistic manner.
  2. Advancements in technology mean that anyone can live forever inside a new simulation.

20 Years (2039)

  1. Visit Mars. Hey Elon, hit me up ;)
  2. ISP’s as we know them are now obsolete. Everyone is connected to an rapidly evolving hive mind communications network.
  3. People no longer struggle just to survive, everyone has their basic needs meet with AI. Humanity is free to pursue whatever interests it.

10 Years (2029)

∞. Start work on Phase II. Only 3 people know what this means for now.

5 Years (2024)

  1. ION will have 1 million users on Earth and maybe some of them will be outside our atmosphere ;)
  2. Make multiple cities my home and setup bases of global operations for myself and ION.
  3. Find a way to increase my cognitive function.
  4. Always be Traveling

∞. Start planning phase II

3 Years (2022)

  1. ION will start deploying the first iterations of a new dynamic Internet to coincide with the spread of 5G.
  2. Be traveling around the world to speak with technology leaders in their fields about the important need for private, secure, and decentralized services for the later half of the 21st century.
  3. Have a better understanding of what I want in life.

  4. Travel some more

1 Year (2020)

  1. Be financially independent / have passive income so I can focus on living my life on my terms.
  2. Grow ION to be something that starts to pay for the research, application and rapid deployment of new communications technologies.
  3. Learn more about AI and the future of work and the social dynamics that could be used to help the world.